New Way to Bypass AI Detection | How to Humanize AI Content | Article Writing | iTech World

iTech World
26 Nov 202318:56

TLDRइस वीडियो में, मोहम्मद जासद ने ब्लॉगर्स और लेखकদের लिए एक नई तकनीक का परिचय किया है जो कि एआई टूल्स का उपयोग करके कंटेंट को मानवीय बनाता है। उन्होंने चैट जीपीटी का उपयोग करके एक 250 शब्द का लेख लिखा और इसे एक विशेष टूल के माध्यम से रिराइज करते हुए, एआई डिटेक्शन को 0% कर दिया। इस प्रक्रिया के बाद, लेख 100% मानवीय लगता है और किसी भी वेबसाइट पर सफलतापूर्वक सबमिट किया जा सकता है। यह टूल लेखकों को अपनी रचनाओं को अधिक सफल बनाने में मदद करता है।


  • 😀 The video discusses strategies for individuals to earn money through blogging or article writing, especially those who lack advanced writing skills.
  • 🔍 It addresses the common issue of content creators facing difficulties with account creation and article approval on various platforms due to the use of AI tools that can be detected.
  • ✅ The presenter, Mohammed Ja Sad, introduces a tool that can help users generate content that can bypass AI detection algorithms with a single click, ensuring high approval rates on submission.
  • 💡 The tool is highlighted as being able to convert AI-generated content into a format that mimics human writing, thus avoiding detection by AI plagiarism checkers.
  • 📝 A demonstration is provided where a 250-word article on 'The Impact of Social Media on Students' is created and checked using different AI detection tools, showing 100% detection before and 0% after using the recommended tool.
  • 🧙‍♂️ The video emphasizes the magic of the tool, suggesting that it can turn AI-generated content into human-like articles without changing a single word, yet making the content appear original to AI detectors.
  • 🔑 The presenter assures viewers that by using this tool, they can create articles that will be approved on any website and earn significantly from their writing.
  • 🎓 The video also touches on the use of ChatGPT by 90% of students for writing tasks, suggesting that the tool can be used to improve the quality of AI-generated content.
  • 🛠️ The tool is described as an advanced AI detection bypass tool that uses cutting-edge technology to ensure content meets search engine requirements, is optimized for SEO, and improves online visibility.
  • 🌐 The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to watch the video properly to understand how to use the tool effectively and start earning from their writing.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about a new method to bypass AI detection in article writing, which can help content creators and students to generate human-like text that can pass AI plagiarism checks.

  • Who is the speaker in the video?

    -The speaker in the video is not explicitly named in the transcript, but he introduces himself as someone who is familiar with AI tools and is knowledgeable about article writing and blogging.

  • What is the problem that the speaker addresses in the video?

    -The speaker addresses the problem of content creators and students facing difficulties in getting their articles approved on various platforms due to AI detection of non-original content.

  • What solution does the speaker propose to overcome AI detection?

    -The speaker proposes using a specific AI tool that can convert AI-generated content into human-like text, which can then be submitted to websites and pass AI plagiarism checks without any issues.

  • What is the name of the tool that the speaker introduces in the video?

    -The speaker introduces a tool called 'AI to Human Text Converter' which is designed to bypass AI detection and generate unique, human-like content.

  • How does the 'AI to Human Text Converter' work?

    -The 'AI to Human Text Converter' works by using advanced algorithms that analyze and convert AI-generated text into a format that mimics human writing, without changing the original meaning or semantics of the text.

  • Does the tool change the words in the content when converting it?

    -According to the speaker, the tool does not change any words in the content when converting it, which maintains the originality and quality of the content.

  • How can users ensure that their articles are approved after using the tool?

    -Users can ensure their articles are approved by using the 'AI to Human Text Converter' to generate content that passes AI plagiarism checks with a detection score of 0%, indicating it is original human-written content.

  • What are the benefits of using the 'AI to Human Text Converter' according to the video?

    -The benefits of using the 'AI to Human Text Converter' include the ability to generate high-quality, original content that can be approved on various websites, potentially leading to increased earnings and successful account creation on writing platforms.

  • Does the speaker provide any examples or demonstrations of the tool's effectiveness?

    -Yes, the speaker demonstrates the effectiveness of the 'AI to Human Text Converter' by showing before and after examples of content that has been converted and passed AI detection checks with a score of 0%.

  • What is the speaker's advice for students who are struggling with writing tests and creating accounts on writing websites?

    -The speaker advises students to use the 'AI to Human Text Converter' to create high-quality content that can help them pass writing tests and create accounts on writing websites without the need for advanced writing skills.



📝 Blogging and Article Writing Challenges

The speaker, Mohammad Ja Sad, addresses the common struggles faced by individuals who aspire to earn money through blogging or writing articles on various websites. He acknowledges the difficulties many encounter due to a lack of advanced writing skills or the inability to use AI tools effectively when submitting articles, leading to frequent rejections. Ja Sad emphasizes the importance of using AI tools to enhance writing skills and increase the likelihood of article approvals, suggesting a specific tool that can generate content with a single click, ensuring high approval rates and potential earnings from writing.


🛠️ Leveraging AI Tools for Content Creation

The paragraph delves into the use of AI tools for content creation, particularly for students who utilize these tools to bypass plagiarism detection and improve their writing. The speaker introduces a tool called 'AI to Human Text Converter' that can transform AI-generated text into a format that resembles human writing without changing the original meaning or words. This tool is highlighted as a solution for students to pass tests, get article approvals, and create unique content that can evade plagiarism detection algorithms, promising a 100% human-like text output.


🧐 Understanding the AI Text Converter Tool

This section provides a deeper look into the 'AI to Human Text Converter' tool, explaining its features and how it operates. The tool uses advanced algorithms to analyze and convert AI-generated content into text that mimics human writing style without altering the original words. The speaker assures that the tool can successfully bypass AI detection, maintaining the original semantics and structure of the text. The paragraph also touches on the technology behind the tool, mentioning natural language processing and machine learning algorithms that enable it to understand and replicate human-like text patterns.


🔍 Demonstrating the Effectiveness of AI Text Conversion

The speaker demonstrates the effectiveness of the AI Text Converter tool by showing how it can convert AI-generated content into human-like text while maintaining originality and quality. They perform live checks using various plagiarism detection tools to prove that the converted text has a 0% plagiarism score. The paragraph also discusses the broader implications of using such tools for students, including the ability to generate unique content for social media and other platforms, ensuring that the text remains original and undetected by plagiarism checkers.



💡AI Detection

AI Detection refers to the ability of artificial intelligence systems to identify and distinguish content generated by AI from that written by humans. In the context of the video, AI Detection is a challenge for those who want to earn money by writing articles or blog posts, as many platforms use AI to detect and reject content that seems to be generated by AI tools. The video discusses methods to bypass these AI detection systems.

💡Article Writing

Article Writing is the process of creating written content for publication in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms. The video script mentions that many people face difficulties in getting their articles approved on various platforms due to the lack of advanced writing skills or because their content is detected as AI-generated. The main theme revolves around overcoming these hurdles.


Earning, in this context, refers to the act of making money, particularly through online writing platforms. The video aims to help viewers increase their earnings by teaching them how to write content that can pass AI detection systems and get approved on various writing platforms.

💡Content Generation

Content Generation is the process of creating written, visual, or audio content. The video discusses tools and techniques to generate content that appears to be written by a human, even if it's created with the help of AI tools, to deceive AI detection systems and get the content approved.

💡Humanize AI Content

Humanize AI Content means making AI-generated content appear as if it was written by a human. This is a key focus of the video, where the presenter explains how to use certain tools to alter AI-generated content in a way that it can pass AI detection and be accepted as human-written.

💡iTech World

iTech World appears to be the name of the channel or platform where the video is hosted. It suggests a focus on technology-related content and solutions, which is relevant given the video's discussion on AI and content generation.

💡Account Creation

Account Creation refers to the process of setting up a new user account on a website or platform. The script mentions that some people face complications during account creation on different AI text websites, which might be due to the detection of AI-generated content during the submission process.

💡AI Tools

AI Tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence to perform tasks. In the video, the presenter discusses the use of AI tools for content generation and also how to modify the output of these tools to avoid detection by AI detection systems.


Approval in this context means the acceptance of submitted content by the platform's审核系统. The video script mentions that many writers face issues with getting their articles approved due to AI detection, and the video aims to provide solutions to this problem.


Bypass, in the context of the video, refers to the methods or techniques used to circumvent or trick AI detection systems. The video provides insights on how to bypass these systems to get AI-generated content approved on various platforms.

💡Text Checker

Text Checker, as mentioned in the script, refers to tools or services that analyze written content for various purposes, such as detecting plagiarism or AI generation. The video discusses how to use certain tools to ensure that AI-generated content does not get detected by text checkers.


ब्लॉगिंग और लेखन के जरिए कमाई करने के लिए नई AI डिटेक्शन बायपास तकनीक।

अधिकतम लोगों को लेखन कौशल की कमी से रोका जा रहा है।

एक विशेष टूल का उपयोग करके AI डिटेक्शन को 100% बायपास करना।

एक क्लिक में अपने कंटेंट को जनरेट और सबमिट करने का प्रक्रिया।

अपने आर्टिकल को किसी भी वेबसाइट पर सफलतापूर्वक सबमिट करने की गारंटी।

स्टूडेंट्स के लिए चैट जीपीटी का उपयोग करके आर्टिकल लिखने का तरीका।

एक 250 शब्द का आर्टिकल लिखने और AI डिटेक्शन को कैसे बायपास करना।

एक विशेष टूल का उपयोग करके आर्टिकल की क्वालिटी को कैसे सुधारें।

एक नई तकनीक का परीक्षण जो AI डिटेक्शन को 0% कर देती है।

एक नई AI टूल का परिचय जो कंटेंट को 100% मानवीय बनाती है।

एक नई तकनीक का उपयोग करके कंटेंट को कैसे ऑटोमैटिकली बदलें।

एक विशेष टूल का उपयोग करके कंटेंट की वर्डिंग को कैसे सुधारें।

एक विशेष टूल का उपयोग करके कंटेंट की व्याकरणिकता को कैसे सुधारें।

एक नई तकनीक का परीक्षण जो AI डिटेक्शन को 0% करती है।

एक नई AI टूल का उपयोग करके कंटेंट को कैसे 100% मानवीय बनाएं।

एक नई तकनीक का परीक्षण जो AI डिटेक्शन को पूरी तरह से बायपास करती है।

एक नई AI टूल का उपयोग करके कंटेंट को कैसे ऑटोमैटिकली और 100% मानवीय बनाएं।

एक नई तकनीक का परीक्षण जो AI डिटेक्शन को 0% करती है और कंटेंट को 100% मानवीय बनाती है।

एक नई AI टूल का उपयोग करके कंटेंट को कैसे 100% मानवीय और 0% AI डिटेक्शन बनाएं।