New Way to Bypass AI Detection (Guaranteed) ✅

Jason West
9 May 202312:24

TLDRIn this video, Jason introduces a new method to bypass AI detection systems, particularly focusing on the challenge of making AI-generated content appear human-written. He demonstrates that while tools like Quill Bot are no longer effective against advanced detectors like Originality AI, a new service called 'Undetectable to AI' promises to successfully humanize content with a high degree of fluency. The tool offers a free trial and a money-back guarantee, making it an affordable solution for those looking to publish AI-generated content without detection.


  • 😀 Jason discusses a new method to bypass AI detection with a high success rate.
  • 🔍 AI detection tools like Originality and others are used to identify AI-generated content.
  • 📝 Common AI writing tools like Chat GPT, Copy AI, and can generate various types of content.
  • 🤖 People often want to rewrite AI-generated content to make it appear more human-like to avoid detection by search engines or other platforms.
  • 🛠️ Quill Bot was a popular tool for paraphrasing but has been detected by AI detectors like
  • 🆕 Jason introduces 'Undetectable to AI' as a new software that can successfully rewrite content to avoid AI detection.
  • 🆓 'Undetectable to AI' offers a free trial and has a money-back guarantee if the content is detected as AI-generated.
  • 📈 The script highlights the ongoing battle between AI content creators and AI detection services, with financial interests on both sides.
  • 📝 After using 'Undetectable to AI', the content is checked again on and is found to be 99% original, indicating success in bypassing detection.
  • 💰 The service is cost-effective, offering a yearly subscription with a significant discount and a refund guarantee.
  • 🔑 The video suggests that while Google may not penalize AI-written content as long as it's of good quality, the landscape of AI detection and content creation is rapidly changing.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video by Jason?

    -The main topic of the video is about bypassing AI detection systems to make AI-generated content appear more human and undetectable by AI detectors.

  • What is the issue with AI-generated content that people want to address?

    -The issue is that some people do not want search engines like Google to identify their content as AI-generated and prefer it to appear more human-like.

  • What tool did Jason initially use to paraphrase AI-generated content?

    -Jason initially used Quill Bot to paraphrase AI-generated content.

  • What is the problem Jason encountered with Quill Bot's paraphrasing method?

    -The problem is that AI detectors, particularly Originality, can still detect the content as AI-generated even after paraphrasing with Quill Bot.

  • What alternative software did Jason find to bypass AI detection?

    -Jason found a software called 'undetectable to AI' as an alternative to bypass AI detection.

  • How does 'undetectable to AI' work to humanize content?

    -'undetectable to AI' works by checking the content for AI generation and then using its 'humanize' feature to rewrite the content to make it appear less AI-generated.

  • What guarantee does 'undetectable to AI' offer for its service?

    -The company offers a money-back guarantee if the content they produce is flagged as not being human.

  • What is the annual cost for using 'undetectable to AI'?

    -The annual cost for using 'undetectable to AI' is around sixty dollars, which includes ten thousand words per month to rewrite.

  • How does Jason suggest improving the readability of content after using 'undetectable to AI'?

    -Jason suggests using tools like Grammarly to polish up the content and ensure proper punctuation and readability.

  • What is the significance of the ongoing battle between AI content creators and AI detectors?

    -The significance is that there is a financial incentive for both sides, with AI detectors being used by educational institutions and businesses to ensure original human-written content, while AI content creators are trying to avoid detection.

  • What does Jason suggest about the future of AI detection and content generation?

    -Jason suggests that the search industry will undergo significant changes in the coming months with the emergence of tools like Google's AI version of chat GPT, and that the ability to bypass AI detection might be useful for a while.



🤖 AI Detection Bypass Techniques

In this paragraph, Jason introduces the topic of AI detection and how to bypass AI detectors to achieve high originality scores. He discusses the background of using AI-powered writers like Chat GPT to generate content and the desire to make this content appear human-written to avoid detection by search engines like Google. Jason demonstrates the use of Quill Bot to paraphrase an article about solar power but reveals that AI detectors like Originality can still identify the content as AI-generated. He then introduces a new tool, 'undetectable to AI', which promises to rewrite content in a way that avoids detection by AI detectors.


🛡️ The Battle Between AI Content Creators and Detectors

This paragraph delves into the ongoing battle between companies that create AI-generated content and those that develop detectors to identify such content. Jason highlights the financial incentives for both sides, with educational institutions and businesses being the primary customers for AI detectors. He discusses the recent claim that '' has successfully created content that cannot detect, and he tests this claim by using the 'humanize' feature of '' on the same solar power article. The results show that the tool significantly reduces the likelihood of AI detection, with a guarantee from the company to refund if their content is flagged as AI-generated.


🌐 The Future of AI and Content Detection

In the final paragraph, Jason reflects on the rapidly changing landscape of AI and content detection, anticipating significant shifts in the search industry due to advancements like Google's AI, Bard. He emphasizes the value of using tools like '' to humanize AI-generated content, allowing publishers to evade detection and maintain the perception of human authorship. Jason also mentions the affordability of such services and their money-back guarantee, suggesting that they are a worthwhile investment for those concerned about AI detection. He concludes by inviting viewers to subscribe for updates on AI detection and related topics and to join a community group for further discussion and resources.



💡AI Detection

AI Detection refers to the process by which artificial intelligence algorithms analyze content to determine if it was created by a human or an AI. In the video, AI detection is a central theme, as the host discusses methods to bypass these detectors, particularly in the context of content generation. For example, the script mentions 'AI detectors' and how they can be fooled with certain techniques.

💡Originality AI

Originality AI is a service mentioned in the script that detects AI-generated content with high accuracy. The video script describes a test where the Originality AI service successfully identifies AI-written content, even when it has been paraphrased using other tools, thus highlighting the challenge of bypassing AI detection systems.

💡Quill Bot

Quill Bot is a paraphrasing tool that was discussed in the video as a method to rewrite AI-generated content to appear more human. However, the script notes that despite using Quill Bot, the content was still detected as AI-generated by Originality AI, indicating the limitations of this approach.


In the context of the video, 'humanize' refers to the process of altering AI-generated content to make it appear as if it was written by a human. The script describes a tool called '' that can 'humanize' content, thereby reducing the likelihood of it being detected by AI detectors.

💡Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy is an example topic used in the script to illustrate the process of AI content generation and detection. The video discusses an article about the benefits of solar power, which is a form of renewable energy, and how it was created and then modified to evade AI detection.


Readability in the video refers to the ease with which a text can be read and understood. The '' tool is mentioned to have a 'readability' setting, which the host uses to ensure that while the content is being humanized, it remains easy to read and comprehend.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving credit, and in the context of AI content generation, it can also refer to the reuse of AI-generated content without proper modification. The script mentions checking for plagiarism alongside AI detection to ensure the content is both original and not copied from other sources.

💡Content Generation

Content Generation is the process of creating written material, such as articles, essays, and blog posts. In the video, AI-powered writers like chat GPT are used to generate content, which is then processed further to avoid detection as AI-written, as discussed in the script.


Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. The script discusses the use of synonyms in paraphrasing tools like Quill Bot to change the original wording of AI-generated content, although it notes that this method was not successful in avoiding AI detection.

💡Refund Guarantee

A Refund Guarantee is a promise from a service provider to return money if the customer is not satisfied with the product or service. In the video, '' offers a refund guarantee if their humanization process results in content that is still flagged by AI detectors, as mentioned in the script.


A new method to bypass AI detection with a guaranteed 100% originality score is introduced.

The challenge of making AI-generated content appear human-written to avoid detection.

Use of GPT-powered writers like chat GPT, Copy AI, and to generate content.

Quill Bot's paraphrase feature no longer effectively bypasses AI detectors.'s AI detector Pro is capable of identifying paraphrased AI content.

The presenter's website, chatgbtdetectors, offers a directory of AI detectors for testing. software is presented as a solution to bypass AI detection. offers a free trial and a money-back guarantee if content is detected as AI-generated.

A demonstration of using to rewrite an article and check for AI detection.

The ongoing battle between AI content creators and AI detectors in the market.

The potential impact of Google's AI, Bard, on the content creation and detection industry.'s success in creating content that passes originality checks.

The importance of readability and proper syntax in AI-generated content.

Use of tools like Grammarly to polish AI-generated content for better readability.

Economic aspects of the AI content creation and detection industry.

The presenter's subscription to's annual account for cost-effective content rewriting.

A call to action for viewers to subscribe for updates on AI detection and content creation tools.

Invitation to join a free group discussing AI, chat GPT, and content writing with a community of over 4300 members.