Humanize AI Content: The RIGHT Strategy

Grace Leung
3 May 202411:09

TLDRThis video outlines a strategy for crafting AI-generated content that reads naturally and is valuable to audiences, focusing on SEO. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating high-quality, unique content rather than trying to trick AI detectors. Tips include avoiding AI-generated introductions and conclusions, banning 'AI words', and using simple, human-like language. The video also suggests incorporating supporting media and adding personal perspectives and experiences to make content more engaging and authentic.


  • 😀 The primary goal of AI content should be to provide value to the audience, not to trick AI detectors.
  • 🧠 Google supports the use of AI for content creation, rewarding high-quality content regardless of its origin.
  • 🔍 AI detectors' accuracy is uncertain, and AI will continue to improve, making it likely impossible to completely detect AI-generated content in the future.
  • 📝 Avoid asking AI to generate introductions and conclusions to maintain a natural and engaging tone.
  • 🚫 Ban commonly used 'AI words' that make content sound robotic and unnatural.
  • 💬 Instruct AI to use simple, human-like language that aligns with your writing style to enhance readability.
  • 📊 Incorporate supporting media like data, charts, images, and tables to make content more helpful and engaging.
  • 🤔 Add personal perspectives and experiences to provide unique insights and build genuine connections with the audience.
  • 📝 Consider breaking long content into sections and generate them individually for better quality control.
  • ✍️ Include an author or editor's name to establish credibility and signal that the content has been reviewed by a human.
  • 🕒 Be mindful of posting frequency to avoid overwhelming search results with low-quality AI-generated content.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal when creating AI-generated content for SEO?

    -The main goal should be to offer helpful and valuable content to the audience rather than focusing on bypassing AI detectors.

  • Why does Google reward high-quality content regardless of its origin?

    -Google rewards high-quality content because it adds value to the audience, and the quality of the content is more important than the method of its creation.

  • What is the likelihood of AI content being completely undetectable in the future?

    -It is very likely that AI content will not be completely undetectable in the future, as AI technology continues to improve and mimic human writing styles.

  • Why is it recommended not to ask AI to generate introductions and conclusions?

    -AI lacks personality, emotion, and creativity, which are essential for engaging introductions and conclusions, so it's better to craft these sections manually.

  • What are 'AI words' and why should they be avoided in content generation?

    -'AI words' are commonly used transition phrases and verbs that make the text sound unnatural. They should be avoided to make the content sound more human-like.

  • How can one instruct AI to use a simple, human-like language in content generation?

    -One can instruct AI to use simple words, avoid technical jargon, and maintain a natural tone and sentence structure to make the output sound more human-like.

  • What is the significance of adding supporting media or data to AI-generated content?

    -Adding supporting media or data makes the content more helpful and engaging, building a connection with the audience and providing additional value.

  • How can personal perspective and experience enhance AI-generated content?

    -Including personal perspective and experience adds a unique, human touch to the content, making it more relatable and valuable to the audience.

  • Why is it important to review and adjust AI-generated content before publishing?

    -Reviewing and adjusting AI-generated content ensures that it aligns with the author's voice, is logically sound, and is relevant to the intended audience.

  • What are the three bonus tips for improving AI-generated content?

    -The three bonus tips are: generating content section by section for better control, including an author or editor's name to establish trust, and being mindful of the posting frequency to avoid spamming the search results.



🤖 Mindset Over AI Detection

The video emphasizes the importance of adopting the right mindset when creating AI-generated content for SEO. It suggests focusing on providing valuable content to the audience rather than trying to trick AI detectors. Google supports high-quality AI content, so the goal should be to add value to the audience. The video also points out that AI will continue to improve, making it nearly impossible to fool AI detectors in the future. Instead, the focus should be on creating content that is helpful and unique to the target audience.


📝 Crafting Human-like AI Content

The video provides strategies for making AI-generated content more human-like and engaging. It advises against using AI for creating introductions and conclusions, as these sections require creativity and personality, which AI lacks. Instead, AI should be used for generating body content, while humans should craft the introductions and conclusions. The video also suggests avoiding commonly used AI words and phrases that can make the content sound unnatural. It recommends instructing AI to use simple, human-like language and to mimic the writer's style and tone by analyzing a sample of the writer's work. This helps in creating content that is more relatable and engaging to the audience.


📊 Enhancing AI Content with Media and Personal Touch

The video continues with strategies to enhance AI-generated content by incorporating supporting media such as data, charts, images, and tables. This is not just to bypass AI detectors but to make the content more helpful and engaging for the audience. It suggests asking AI to identify areas where such media could be added and to provide ideas for what kind of media to include. The video also emphasizes the importance of adding human elements to the content, such as personal perspectives, opinions, and experiences. This helps in building a genuine connection with the audience and ensures that the content is unique and valuable. The video concludes with bonus tips, such as generating content section by section for better control, including an author or editor's name to establish trust, and being mindful of the posting frequency to avoid spamming the search results.



💡AI Content

AI Content refers to content generated by artificial intelligence, often used to produce articles, blog posts, or other written materials. In the video, the speaker emphasizes that the goal should not be to trick AI detectors but to create helpful and valuable content for the audience. AI content is discussed as a tool that can be used to enhance content creation, but it should be done in a way that adds value and is not merely for the sake of bypassing detection.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results. The video discusses the use of AI content in the context of SEO, suggesting that while AI can help produce content, the focus should be on creating high-quality, valuable content that can improve SEO rankings rather than just avoiding AI detection.

💡AI Detector

An AI Detector is a tool or system designed to identify content that has been generated by artificial intelligence. The video script mentions that Google is fine with AI content as long as it is high quality, and that the focus should not be on bypassing these detectors but on creating content that is genuinely helpful and valuable to the audience.

💡Value Added

Value Added refers to the additional benefits or usefulness that a product, service, or in this case, content, provides to the consumer. The video stresses that the real measure of content quality is not whether it is detected as AI-generated but whether it offers value to the audience. This value can come in the form of helpful information, unique insights, or engaging storytelling.

💡Introduction and Conclusion

The video advises against using AI to generate the introduction and conclusion of articles, as these parts often require a personal touch and creativity that AI may not be able to replicate effectively. The introduction is meant to hook the reader, while the conclusion should provide a satisfying end to the content. The speaker suggests crafting these parts manually to make the content more engaging.

💡AI Words

AI Words are phrases or terms that are commonly used in AI-generated texts due to the training data AI systems are fed. The video suggests creating a list of such words to avoid in AI-generated content to make it sound more natural and less robotic. These words are often transition phrases or verbs that can make the text sound overly formal or unnatural.

💡Simple Human Language

The video encourages the use of simple, human language in AI-generated content to make it sound more natural and relatable. This involves using straightforward words, avoiding technical jargon, and structuring sentences in a way that mimics how humans naturally write and speak. The goal is to create content that is easy to understand and engaging for the audience.

💡Writing Style and Tone

Writing Style and Tone refer to the unique way a writer expresses ideas through language, including the use of vocabulary, sentence structure, and the overall mood or attitude conveyed. The video suggests that to make AI-generated content more authentic, it should be asked to mimic the writer's own style and tone, which can be done by providing the AI with samples of the writer's work for analysis.

💡Supporting Media

Supporting Media includes data, charts, images, tables, and other visual elements that can be used to enhance written content. The video suggests that AI can be used to identify areas in the content where such media could be added to make the content more helpful and engaging for the audience. Including relevant and compelling visual elements can greatly improve the quality and impact of the content.

💡Human Elements

Human Elements are aspects of content that are inherently human, such as personal perspectives, opinions, experiences, and stories. The video emphasizes the importance of including these elements in AI-generated content to make it more relatable and valuable to the audience. By adding a personal touch, the content becomes more unique and engaging, helping to build a genuine connection with the reader.


The right strategy for AI content is to focus on helpfulness and uniqueness, not on bypassing AI detectors.

Google is fine with AI content as long as it's high quality and valuable to the audience.

AI detectors' accuracy can't be 100% confirmed, and AI will continue to improve, making AI content detection challenging.

Many websites use AI content successfully without negative impacts on ranking or traffic.

It's too early to conclude if AI content can outrank human content, as Google is still figuring out the balance.

Know the weaknesses of AI to avoid them when generating content and add human elements for value.

Do not ask AI to generate introductions and conclusions; they lack creativity and personalization.

Ban commonly used 'AI words' that make content sound robotic and unnatural.

Instruct AI to use simple, human language and avoid technical jargon and complicated sentence structures.

Ask AI to mimic your writing style and tone by analyzing your own writing samples.

Add supporting media or data to the content to make it more helpful and engaging for the audience.

Include your own perspective and opinion to add a personal touch and build genuine connections.

Share personal experiences related to the subject to make the content unique and relatable.

For long passages, ask AI to generate sections separately to maintain quality and control.

Include an author or editor's name to establish trustworthiness and signal human review.

Be mindful of posting frequency to avoid spamming search results with low-quality AI content.