Quillbot vs Turnitin. Can Turnitin detect plagiarized work if it is paraphrased by Quillbot?

24 Jun 202304:46

TLDRThis video explores whether Turnitin can detect plagiarism when text is paraphrased using Quillbot. The author submits a plagiarized article to Turnitin, which accurately detects it. After paraphrasing the same article with Quillbot, the similarity index significantly drops, and Turnitin struggles to identify the original source. This raises concerns about academic integrity, as it shows paraphrasing tools can potentially undermine plagiarism detection systems.


  • 📝 The video is a demonstration against academic misconduct and does not promote or support it.
  • 🔍 The experiment involves submitting a plagiarized article to Turnitin and then paraphrasing it with Quillbot to test Turnitin's detection capabilities.
  • 📉 Turnitin initially detects a 94% similarity for the plagiarized article, indicating it is directly copied from a journal.
  • 📚 After paraphrasing with Quillbot, the similarity index drops to 31%, suggesting that Quillbot effectively rephrased the text.
  • 🤔 Turnitin's ability to identify the original source is compromised after the text is paraphrased and rephrased with Quillbot.
  • 🚫 The video emphasizes that submitting plagiarized work is academic misconduct and that the demonstration is for testing purposes only.
  • 🔑 The test shows a limitation in Turnitin's plagiarism detection when faced with text that has been heavily paraphrased.
  • 📉 The video highlights a potential issue in academia where original work could be copied, paraphrased, and submitted as new without detection.
  • 👨‍🏫 The presenter suggests that new strategies are needed to address the challenges posed by paraphrasing tools in academic integrity.
  • 📖 The video serves as a cautionary tale for educators and academia to be vigilant against the misuse of paraphrasing tools for unethical purposes.

Q & A

  • Can Turnitin detect plagiarized work if it is paraphrased by Quillbot?

    -Turnitin has the capability to detect plagiarized work even if it has been paraphrased by Quillbot. While Quillbot is effective at paraphrasing to avoid exact word-for-word matches, Turnitin assesses the global structure and ideas presented in the content. This means that Turnitin can still identify similarities in the overall structure and underlying concepts, even after paraphrasing by tools like Quillbot. However, the effectiveness of detection can vary based on the nuances of the text and the extent of paraphrasing.

  • How effective is Quillbot at avoiding detection by Turnitin?

    -Quillbot is designed to paraphrase text in a way that changes the wording and sentence structure, which can help in avoiding exact matches detected by Turnitin. However, Turnitin's algorithms are sophisticated and can identify similarities beyond just word matches, including the structure and concepts of the content. Therefore, while Quillbot can reduce the similarity index, it may not completely evade detection by Turnitin, especially with more advanced versions of Turnitin that include AI paraphrasing detection.

  • What is the difference between Quillbot and Turnitin in terms of plagiarism detection?

    -Quillbot is a paraphrasing tool that can alter the wording and structure of text to help users avoid direct plagiarism. On the other hand, Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service that compares submitted work against a vast database of sources to identify copied or paraphrased content. While Quillbot helps in paraphrasing, Turnitin is designed to detect instances of both direct copying and paraphrasing, even when the text has been altered by tools like Quillbot.

  • Does Turnitin's AI writing detection include detection of paraphrasing by AI tools like Quillbot?

    -Yes, Turnitin's AI writing detection now includes AI paraphrasing detection. This means that Turnitin can detect not only directly copied content but also content that has been paraphrased using AI tools, including Quillbot. The detection system is integrated into the Similarity Report, providing a comprehensive analysis of the submitted work.

  • Can Turnitin detect if a text has been paraphrased using an AI tool?

    -Turnitin has the capability to detect if a text has been paraphrased using an AI tool. It does so by analyzing the text for patterns and structures that may indicate AI involvement. This includes the use of AI word spinners, which are sometimes used to avoid identification of AI-generated text. Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection is incorporated into its AI writing detection capability.

  • What are the ethical considerations when using Quillbot or similar tools to paraphrase academic work?

    -Using tools like Quillbot to paraphrase academic work raises ethical considerations related to academic integrity. It is important to use such tools responsibly and to ensure that the paraphrased content is properly cited and reflects an understanding of the original material. Paraphrasing should be done in a way that maintains the original meaning and contributes to the user's own academic work, rather than being used to deceive plagiarism detection systems or pass off someone else's work as one's own.

  • How can educators ensure that students are not using Quillbot or similar tools to plagiarize?

    -Educators can take several steps to ensure that students are not using Quillbot or similar tools to plagiarize. These include setting clear expectations and policies regarding academic integrity, teaching proper paraphrasing and citation techniques, and using plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin to review student work. Additionally, encouraging original thinking and providing feedback on assignments can help deter students from relying on AI tools for content generation.

  • What is the false positive rate for Turnitin's AI writing detection?

    -Turnitin aims to maintain a high accuracy rate in its AI writing detection, accompanied by a less than 1% false positive rate. A false positive refers to the incorrect identification of fully human-written text as AI-generated. While the risk of false positives is small, Turnitin emphasizes that its role is to provide data for educators to make informed decisions based on their academic and institutional policies.

  • How does Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection work?

    -Turnitin's AI paraphrasing detection is designed to identify instances where AI paraphrasing may have been used to modify AI-generated text in submitted content. It works by analyzing the text for patterns and structures that are indicative of AI involvement, even after paraphrasing. This feature is integrated into the Similarity Report, providing educators with insights into the originality of the content and helping to maintain academic integrity.



📚 Testing Turnitin's Plagiarism Detection

The speaker begins by stating that they will not promote academic misconduct but will demonstrate the limitations of Turnitin, a plagiarism detection software. They proceed to submit a plagiarized article copied directly from a journal to Turnitin. The article is then paraphrased using Quillbot and resubmitted to Turnitin to see if the similarity index decreases. The purpose of this test is to determine whether Turnitin can still identify plagiarism after paraphrasing. The speaker emphasizes that this demonstration is not an endorsement of cheating but a test of Turnitin's capabilities.




Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit to the original source. In the context of the video, the term is central as it explores how plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin may or may not effectively identify plagiarized content that has been paraphrased using Quillbot. The video demonstrates a scenario where an article, originally plagiarized, is paraphrased and then resubmitted to Turnitin to see if the tool can still detect the plagiarism, highlighting the challenges in academic integrity.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software widely used in educational institutions to check the originality of students' work. The video script discusses an experiment where a plagiarized article is submitted to Turnitin to measure its effectiveness in detecting unoriginal content. It is used as a benchmark to compare the effectiveness of paraphrasing tools against plagiarism detection.


Quillbot is a paraphrasing tool designed to assist users in rephrasing and rewording text to reduce similarity to original sources. In the video, Quillbot is used to paraphrase a plagiarized article to test whether Turnitin can still detect the plagiarism after the text has been altered by the tool. The effectiveness of Quillbot in reducing the similarity index is a key point of discussion.

💡Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct encompasses various actions that violate the standards of academic integrity, such as plagiarism, cheating, and falsification. The video script begins with a disclaimer that the content does not promote or support academic misconduct. The video is an experiment to demonstrate the limitations of plagiarism detection tools, not an endorsement of unethical practices.


To paraphrase means to restate a text, idea, or concept using different words while retaining the original meaning. In the video, the author uses Quillbot to paraphrase a plagiarized article to see if Turnitin can detect the original source after the text has been altered. Paraphrasing is a technique that can be used both ethically, to clarify or simplify information, and unethically, to disguise plagiarism.

💡Similarity Index

The similarity index is a measure used by plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin to indicate the percentage of a document's content that matches sources in their database. In the video, the initial submission of the plagiarized article results in a high similarity index, which is then compared to the index after the article has been paraphrased by Quillbot.


Rephrasing is similar to paraphrasing but often involves a more thorough transformation of the text to change its structure and wording significantly. In the video, the author not only paraphrases the plagiarized article with Quillbot but also rephrases it to see if Turnitin can still detect the original source, further testing the tool's capabilities.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the adherence to ethical principles and standards in academic work, which includes honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. The video script indirectly addresses academic integrity by discussing the potential for plagiarism detection tools to fail in identifying plagiarized content that has been altered through paraphrasing.


A journal in the academic context refers to a periodical publication containing articles written by scholars in a particular field. In the video, the author copies an article directly from a journal to test Turnitin's plagiarism detection capabilities. The journal serves as the original source against which the plagiarized and paraphrased content is compared.

💡Educational Institutions

Educational institutions are organizations that provide learning spaces and experiences, typically schools, colleges, and universities. The video is relevant to these institutions as they are the primary users of plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin to ensure academic integrity among their students.


The video demonstrates submitting a plagiarized article to Turnitin and then paraphrasing it with Quillbot to test if Turnitin can detect the plagiarism.

A disclaimer is given that the video does not promote academic misconduct.

The original article is copied word for word from a journal and submitted to Turnitin.

Turnitin accurately detects the plagiarism, showing a 94% similarity index.

The same article is then paraphrased using Quillbot.

After paraphrasing, the article is resubmitted to Turnitin, and the similarity index drops to 31%.

Turnitin no longer highlights all sections as plagiarized after paraphrasing.

Quillbot's paraphrasing significantly reduces the similarity index, demonstrating its effectiveness.

The video reiterates that submitting plagiarized work is academic misconduct.

The demonstration is meant to show the limitations of Turnitin, not to promote cheating.

The original article is resubmitted to Turnitin after being paraphrased and rephrased with Quillbot.

Turnitin fails to detect the original source after the article has been paraphrased and rephrased.

The video expresses concern about the implications for education and academia if plagiarized work can pass through Turnitin.

The video suggests that new strategies are needed to address the issue of plagiarism detection.

The video concludes by emphasizing that the demonstration is concerning and not an endorsement of academic misconduct.

The video ends with a call for better tools and methods to ensure academic integrity.