How to use Spinbot to Spin Text and Create Unique Content

Entrepreneurs Toolbox with Jonathan Dunkerley
22 Apr 202007:42

TLDRIn this video, Jonathan from Entrepreneurs Toolbox demonstrates how to create valuable Facebook posts efficiently using Spinbot. He advises against merely posting quotes and instead suggests finding unique content through personal development articles. After selecting an article, he uses Spinbot to rewrite sections, ensuring the text is human-readable and proofreads it for clarity. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of proofreading to maintain the originality and value of the content, warning against spamming. He encourages using this method for various types of content, such as marketing tips or health advice, and reminds viewers to engage with the video by liking, subscribing, and ringing the bell for notifications.


  • ๐Ÿ˜€ Use Facebook for marketing by creating value posts to engage your audience.
  • ๐Ÿ” Strive for content that offers unique value, not just generic quotes or posts easily found online.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Focus on three types of posts: results, value, and lifestyle, with value being the most challenging.
  • ๐Ÿ“ When creating long-form content, break it into digestible sections to improve readability on social media platforms like Facebook.
  • ๐Ÿ”Ž For inspiration, search for articles online related to your niche and use them as a starting point for your content.
  • โœ‚๏ธ Utilize tools like Spinbot to paraphrase content, ensuring it is reworded to maintain originality and avoid plagiarism.
  • โœ๏ธ Always proofread the spun text to ensure it is coherent and flows naturally, reflecting your voice and style.
  • ๐Ÿ“‘ Consider using content from books or other sources in addition to online articles to diversify your content creation.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Enhance your posts with engaging headers and subheadings to attract and maintain reader interest.
  • ๐Ÿšซ Avoid spamming your audience with copied content; always aim to provide value and engage authentically.
  • ๐Ÿ“ข Promote your content effectively by using lists, tips, or other structured formats that are easy to follow and share.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video transcript provided?

    -The main focus of the video transcript is to demonstrate how to create valuable Facebook posts for marketing purposes by using a text spinning tool called Spinbot to generate unique content from existing articles or quotes.

  • Why is it important to create value posts on Facebook for marketing?

    -Creating value posts on Facebook is important for marketing because it helps to engage the audience with content that is not easily found through a simple Google search, thus providing unique and helpful information that can emotionally connect with or provide practical tips to the readers.

  • What are the three types of posts mentioned in the transcript that people use for their Facebook marketing?

    -The three types of posts mentioned are results value, lifestyle, and personal development quotes. Among these, results value is the one that people struggle with the most.

  • How does the presenter suggest using quotes in Facebook posts?

    -The presenter suggests that while quotes are fine occasionally, it's better to provide value that cannot be easily found through a Google search. They recommend posting content that showcases personal actions or provides actual tips for business growth.

  • What is Spinbot and how is it used in the context of the video?

    -Spinbot is a text spinning tool that paraphrases existing text to create a new version that is unique. In the context of the video, it is used to rewrite sections of an article to generate fresh content for Facebook posts.

  • Why is it necessary to proofread the content after using Spinbot according to the transcript?

    -It is necessary to proofread the content after using Spinbot because the tool sometimes produces text that may not be in perfect English or may not flow well. Proofreading ensures that the content is human-readable, makes sense, and provides value to the readers.

  • What is the recommended approach to formatting long-form posts on Facebook as suggested in the transcript?

    -The recommended approach is to break up the content into different lines or sections, using headers for each part, such as 'Sense of Self' or 'Sense of Curiosity'. This makes the post easier to read and more engaging for Facebook users who tend to skim through long blocks of text.

  • How does the presenter suggest finding content to spin for Facebook posts?

    -The presenter suggests finding content by Googling relevant topics, such as 'personal development articles', and then selecting articles that seem interesting or relevant. The content from these articles is then used as a basis for spinning with Spinbot.

  • What is the importance of not just copying and pasting spun content directly to Facebook?

    -The importance lies in avoiding the perception of spam and ensuring that the content provides genuine value to the audience. Simply copying and pasting spun content without proofreading and personalizing it can lead to a lack of authenticity and may not resonate with the readers.

  • What are some alternative sources of content suggested by the presenter besides Google articles?

    -The presenter suggests that้™คไบ†Googleๆ–‡็ซ ไน‹ๅค–๏ผŒ่ฟ˜ๅฏไปฅไฝฟ็”จไนฆ็ฑไธญ็š„ๅ†…ๅฎนไธฐๅฏŒFacebookๅธ–ๅญใ€‚

  • What is the final advice given by the presenter regarding the creation of Facebook posts?

    -The final advice is to ensure that the posts are not spammy, to provide value, and to engage the audience by creating content that is well-structured, proofread, and offers insights or tips that are not commonly found elsewhere.



๐Ÿ“ˆ Creating Value-Driven Facebook Posts

In this segment, Jonathan from Entrepreneurs Toolbox addresses the common struggle of creating valuable Facebook posts for marketing purposes. He explains that while quotes are easy to post, they often lack the unique value that audiences seek. To overcome this, he suggests using three types of posts: results, value, and lifestyle, with a focus on value. He demonstrates a method to create strong value posts by searching for personal development articles online, selecting relevant content, and then using a paraphrasing tool like Spinbot to rewrite the content in a unique and readable format. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of proofreading the spun content to ensure it flows well and provides genuine value to the readers. He also advises breaking up the text into smaller sections to improve readability on Facebook.


๐Ÿ“š Crafting Engaging Long-Form Content

The second paragraph continues with Jonathan's advice on creating long-form content for Facebook. He suggests using books or online articles as sources and then spinning the content to make it original. He stresses the importance of proofreading to avoid spammy content and to ensure the posts provide real value. Jonathan also encourages viewers to be creative and find what works best for them, whether it's using top lists or other content types. He wraps up by inviting viewers to like, subscribe, and leave comments about their own methods for creating quick articles, emphasizing the importance of engaging with the audience and providing value through content.




Spinbot is a tool used for paraphrasing text to create unique content. In the context of the video, it's utilized to rewrite sections of an article to avoid plagiarism and to make the content appear original. The video demonstrates how to paste text into Spinbot, receive a paraphrased version, and then edit it for clarity and readability to use in social media posts.

๐Ÿ’กFacebook for marketing

Facebook is mentioned as a platform for marketing where one can post value-added content to engage an audience. The video suggests that creating strong value posts on Facebook can be challenging, and it provides a method to overcome this by using Spinbot to generate such content.

๐Ÿ’กValue posts

Value posts refer to social media content that provides useful information, tips, or insights to the audience. The video emphasizes the importance of creating value posts over just posting generic quotes, as they are more likely to resonate with the audience and provide actual help or guidance.

๐Ÿ’กPersonal development

Personal development is a concept discussed in the video, where the host uses it as an example of a topic to create value posts. It involves self-improvement activities aimed at enhancing one's life and well-being. The video script mentions using an article on personal development to demonstrate the process of creating a value post.


Proofreading is the process of reviewing and correcting written material to ensure it is free from errors. In the video, it is stressed that after using Spinbot to paraphrase content, one must proofread the text to ensure it is coherent and grammatically correct before posting it as a value post.

๐Ÿ’กLong-form content

Long-form content refers to extended pieces of writing that provide in-depth information on a subject. The video suggests breaking down long-form content into digestible sections for social media posts, making it easier for readers to engage with the material.

๐Ÿ’กTop ten lists

Top ten lists are a type of content format that ranks items in a list, often used in marketing to provide quick, scannable information. The video advises using such lists as a source for creating value posts, which can then be spun into unique content using Spinbot.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit, which is unethical and can lead to penalties. The video warns against copying and pasting content directly, as this would be considered plagiarism, and instead promotes the use of Spinbot to rephrase content ethically.

๐Ÿ’กSense of self

Sense of self is a concept mentioned in the context of personal development articles. It refers to an individual's understanding and perception of their own identity. In the video, it is used as a subheading in a value post, illustrating how to structure content for readability and impact.

๐Ÿ’กSense of curiosity

Sense of curiosity is another concept from the personal development article used in the video. It implies having an eagerness to learn and explore new ideas. The video demonstrates how to use this concept as part of a structured value post, encouraging the audience to engage with the content.

๐Ÿ’กLifestyle posts

Lifestyle posts are a type of social media content that showcases aspects of one's life or promotes a certain way of living. While not the main focus of the video, it is mentioned as one of the three types of posts people use for Facebook marketing, alongside results and value posts.


Use Facebook for marketing by creating strong value posts.

Struggle with daily Facebook post value; consider results, value, and lifestyle posts.

Value posts are often the most challenging; avoid just posting quotes.

Provide value that can't be easily found through a Google search.

Use personal development quotes or posts as an example of value content.

Search for articles related to your topic, such as 'personal development articles'.

Select an article and read it to ensure the content is not misleading.

Use Spinbot to spin the article's text into a rewritten, human-readable version.

Proofread the spun text to ensure it flows well and makes sense.

Break up long-form text into digestible lines for Facebook readability.

Create a header for your post, such as 'Sense of Self', based on the spun content.

Reword and proof the content to make it original and valuable.

Continue the process for each section of the article, creating a valuable long-form post.

Consider using books as a source for content, not just Google searches.

Stress the importance of proofreading to avoid spamming and to provide genuine value.

Create engaging content by spinning top ten lists or other structured content.

Avoid copying and pasting without spinning and proofreading to maintain authenticity.

Encourage viewers to like, subscribe, and ring the bell for notifications on new videos.

Invite viewers to share their methods for creating quick articles in the comments.