How to Paraphrase ANYTHING with AI, Undetected (3 Easy Steps)

Andy Stapleton
19 Jun 202409:58

TLDRThis video tutorial outlines three easy steps to effectively paraphrase text using AI without detection. It introduces tools like Jenny AI and Yomu, which rephrase text in various styles, and SiaCE for scholarly paraphrasing. The video emphasizes the importance of not merely copying AI-generated text but synthesizing it into your own words by explaining it to another person or object. It also advises on checking the structure and flow of the paraphrased text for clarity and coherence, and concludes with the necessity of citing sources to avoid plagiarism. The presenter suggests using plagiarism detection tools similar to those used by educational institutions to ensure the paraphrased work is original.


  • 😀 Paraphrasing involves rewording someone else's ideas or sentences while preserving the original meaning.
  • 🛠️ Utilize AI tools like Jenny AI, yomu, and siace for paraphrasing, but remember they are just aids.
  • 📝 After using AI, read the text multiple times to internalize it and ensure it's in your own words.
  • 🗣️ Explain the paraphrased text out loud to yourself or to an imaginary listener to help synthesize it into your own language.
  • ✍️ Write down the explanation to convert it into text, using voice-to-text or manual typing.
  • 🔍 Use AI tools to simplify, expand, or summarize text to inform your paraphrasing process.
  • 🔄 Review the structure of your text, ensuring it flows logically and ideas are presented in a coherent order.
  • 📖 Have someone else read your paraphrased work to ensure it makes sense to a general audience.
  • ⚖️ Always cite your sources to avoid plagiarism and give credit to original authors.
  • 🔍 Use plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin to check your work and ensure it meets academic standards.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of using AI tools for paraphrasing?

    -The main purpose of using AI tools for paraphrasing is to take someone's ideas or sentences and rework them while maintaining the original meaning, but stating it in your own words.

  • What is the first AI tool mentioned in the video for paraphrasing?

    -The first AI tool mentioned in the video for paraphrasing is Jenny AI.

  • How does Jenny AI assist in paraphrasing text?

    -Jenny AI assists in paraphrasing by allowing users to highlight text and then using AI commands to generate a paraphrased version with options to choose from different styles such as academically, casually, or persuasively.

  • What is another AI tool discussed in the video for paraphrasing?

    -Another AI tool discussed in the video for paraphrasing is Yomu.

  • How does Yomu differ from Jenny AI in terms of paraphrasing?

    -Yomu works similarly to Jenny AI but offers a variety of options for paraphrasing, including the ability to shorten, expand, and summarize text in different styles such as academically.

  • What is the third AI paraphrasing tool mentioned in the video?

    -The third AI paraphrasing tool mentioned in the video is from SiaCE, which is described as a scholarly paraphrasing tool.

  • How does SiaCE's paraphrasing tool differ from the others?

    -SiaCE's paraphrasing tool differs by allowing users to input text paragraph by paragraph or sentence by sentence and then rephrase it with options for length variation and language change.

  • Why is it important to not just copy and paste AI-generated text?

    -It's important not to just copy and paste AI-generated text because it's not truly written in your own words and can lead to plagiarism, which is not acceptable in academic and professional settings.

  • What is the recommended method to ensure the paraphrased text is in your own words?

    -The recommended method to ensure the paraphrased text is in your own words is to read the original text completely, explain it to someone else or an inanimate object, and then write it down in your own words, ensuring you synthesize the information rather than memorize it.

  • What is the final step suggested in the video to avoid plagiarism?

    -The final step suggested in the video to avoid plagiarism is to check your paraphrased work with a plagiarism detection tool, such as Turnitin, to ensure it aligns with the algorithms used by your educational institution or workplace.

  • Why is it crucial to cite sources when paraphrasing?

    -It is crucial to cite sources when paraphrasing to give credit to the original authors and to avoid plagiarism. This ensures academic integrity and respects the work of others.



🤖 AI Tools for Text Paraphrasing

The paragraph introduces the concept of text paraphrasing, which involves rewording someone else's ideas or sentences while preserving the original meaning. It emphasizes the use of AI tools like Jenny AI and Yomu for paraphrasing, highlighting their capabilities to offer various styles such as academic, casual, and persuasive. Jenny AI is showcased with a demonstration of how to use it to paraphrase text, and the importance of not just relying on AI but also engaging in the process of understanding and rewriting the text in one's own words is stressed. The paragraph also mentions SiaCE, a scholarly paraphrasing tool that allows for paragraph or sentence-level rephrasing with options to adjust length variation and language.


📝 The Art of Effective Paraphrasing

This paragraph delves into the detailed process of effective paraphrasing beyond the use of AI tools. It suggests reading the text multiple times to synthesize it into one's own words and emphasizes the importance of explaining the text to someone else or even a 'sock puppet' to ensure true understanding and originality. The speaker shares personal tips from their science writing career, advocating for the act of explaining concepts out loud to oneself as a method to avoid plagiarism. The paragraph also touches on the use of AI tools to generate ideas for rephrasing and the need to be honest with oneself about whether the rephrased text genuinely reflects one's own explanation. The importance of adjusting word choices and sentence structures to match one's natural speaking and writing style is highlighted, along with the necessity of reviewing the text structure for clarity and coherence.




Paraphrase refers to the act of rewording or rephrasing a text while retaining its original meaning. In the context of the video, it is emphasized that paraphrasing should be done using one's own words and not just by copying AI-generated text. The video suggests using AI tools like Jenny AI and Yomu to assist in the paraphrasing process, but ultimately, the user should synthesize the information into their own words to avoid plagiarism.

💡AI Tools

AI Tools mentioned in the video are software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to assist in tasks such as text paraphrasing. Jenny AI and Yomu are examples given, which can be used to generate paraphrased text. However, the video stresses that these tools should be used as aids and not as a replacement for original thought and writing.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit, which is unethical and often illegal. The video discusses the importance of avoiding plagiarism by not merely copying AI-generated paraphrased text but by truly understanding and rewriting the content in one's own words.


To synthesize, in the context of the video, means to combine and restate information in a way that is unique to the individual. This is a crucial step in the paraphrasing process, where one takes the essence of the original text and expresses it in a new form, ensuring that it is not a direct copy.


The term 'academically' is used in the video when describing the tone or style of the paraphrased text. It suggests that the text should be formal and appropriate for an academic setting, which often requires a higher level of language and a more rigorous approach to citing sources.


Citing sources is the practice of acknowledging the original authors of ideas, data, or quotes used in one's work. The video emphasizes the importance of proper citation to avoid plagiarism and to give credit where it is due, which is a fundamental aspect of academic integrity.


Turnitin is a plagiarism detection service mentioned in the video. It is widely used by educational institutions to check the originality of student work. The video suggests using a service similar to Turnitin to ensure that the paraphrased text is not flagged as plagiarized.


SiaCe is another AI paraphrasing tool mentioned in the video. It is described as a scholarly paraphrasing tool that allows users to input text and receive paraphrased versions, with options to adjust the length variation and language.


Yomu is an AI tool highlighted in the video for its ability to paraphrase text. It offers various options for paraphrasing, including the ability to shorten, expand, and summarize text, which can be useful for tailoring the paraphrased content to the user's needs.

💡Voice to Text

Voice to Text is a technology that converts spoken words into written text. The video suggests using Voice to Text as a method for capturing the paraphrased content after explaining the text out loud, which can help in the process of synthesizing information into one's own words.


In the context of the video, 'structure' refers to the organization and arrangement of sentences and paragraphs within a text. The video advises reviewing and adjusting the structure of the paraphrased text to ensure it flows logically and is coherent, which is essential for effective communication of ideas.


Text paraphrasing involves reworking ideas or sentences to maintain the original meaning while using your own words.

AI tools like Jenny AI can be used for paraphrasing by highlighting text and selecting paraphrase options.

Jenny AI offers different paraphrase styles such as academic, casual, and persuasive.

Yomu is another AI tool that provides various paraphrasing options and allows keeping the selection or trying again.

Sia.ce is a scholarly paraphrasing tool that works differently, requiring input of text and selection of length variation and language.

To truly paraphrase, one must read the text completely and explain it in their own words to ensure it's not just copied from AI.

Explaining the paraphrased text to an inanimate object or a pet can help synthesize it into your own words.

Using voice-to-text or recording and transcribing can capture the paraphrased text after explaining it out loud.

AI tools can provide ideas for explaining concepts in different ways, such as simplifying or summarizing text.

It's important to ensure that the words and sentence structure used in paraphrasing match your own speaking and writing style.

After generating paraphrased text, review it to ensure it makes sense and consider rearranging the structure if necessary.

Citing sources is crucial to avoid plagiarism, even when using AI tools for paraphrasing.

Jenny AI and Yomu have features to add citations directly within the tool.

Using plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin is recommended to ensure the paraphrased text is original.

Comparing your AI tool's detection methods with those used by educational institutions is important for accurate plagiarism checks.

Avoiding plagiarism requires more than just using AI tools; it involves actively engaging with the text and rephrasing in your own words.

The process of paraphrasing with AI should not be seen as a shortcut but as a tool to aid in the creation of original content.