Demo of TurnItIn - New AI Detection Tool

Sarah Moore, Ph.D.
4 Apr 202303:12

TLDRDr. Moore from the University of Texas at Dallas demonstrates Turnitin's new AI detection tool. He simulates a student using ChatGPT to write a memo comparing AI writers and uploads it to Turnitin. The tool gives a 45% similarity score, but also flags it as 100% AI-written with a caution message, indicating potential academic misconduct. Faculty are advised to update their rubrics and assignments, while students are warned against using AI writers to avoid plagiarism and cheating accusations.


  • 🔍 Dr. Moore demonstrates Turnitin's new AI detection tool.
  • 📝 He simulates a student using ChatGPT to write a memo comparing AI writers.
  • 💻 The memo generated by ChatGPT is uploaded to Turnitin for similarity check.
  • 📊 Turnitin gives a 45% similarity score, indicating traditional matches.
  • 🚨 Turnitin flags the document with 'AI 100', cautioning that the percentage may not indicate academic misconduct.
  • 👀 The tool prompts for a review, suggesting the content might be AI-generated.
  • 👨‍🏫 For faculty, Turnitin's new feature seems effective in detecting AI-written content.
  • 📚 The video suggests that educators might need to adjust their rubrics and assignments to counter AI writing tools.
  • ⚠️ Students are warned that using AI to complete assignments is considered cheating at the University of Texas at Dallas.
  • 📈 The video implies that AI detection tools are becoming more sophisticated, catching content that previously went undetected.

Q & A

  • Who is Dr. Moore and what is his role in the video?

    -Dr. Moore is a faculty member at the University of Texas at Dallas, and he presents a demonstration of Turnitin's new AI detection tool in the video.

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to demonstrate how Turnitin's new AI detection tool identifies AI-generated content in student assignments.

  • What assignment prompt did Dr. Moore use for testing the AI detection tool?

    -Dr. Moore used an assignment prompt asking students to write a memo comparing three AI writers.

  • How did Dr. Moore use Chat GPT to create the content for the test?

    -Dr. Moore used Chat GPT by providing it with a simplified version of his assignment prompt and asked it to write a memo comparing AI writers, including some sources.

  • What is the similarity score given by Turnitin for the AI-generated memo?

    -The similarity score given by Turnitin for the AI-generated memo was 45%.

  • What does the 45% similarity score indicate?

    -The 45% similarity score indicates a traditional match to previously uploaded documents, but it does not flag anything as problematic in terms of AI-generated content.

  • What message does Turnitin display when AI-generated content is detected?

    -When AI-generated content is detected, Turnitin displays a message saying 'AI 100' with a caution that the percentage may not indicate academic misconduct and a review is required.

  • Why did Turnitin not flag the sources included in the AI-generated memo?

    -The video does not provide a clear reason why Turnitin did not flag the sources, but it did flag the content as 100% AI-written, indicating that the tool is capable of distinguishing AI-generated text from sources.

  • What implications does the video suggest for faculty and students regarding the use of AI writers?

    -For faculty, the video suggests that Turnitin's new tool is effective in detecting AI-generated content and encourages them to consider changing their rubrics or assignments. For students, it warns that using AI writers to complete assignments can be considered cheating and lead to academic penalties.

  • What is Dr. Moore's opinion on the quality of the AI-generated memo?

    -Dr. Moore believes that the AI-generated memo is not of high quality and that his students could write something better, more interesting, and with a better conclusion for a business context.

  • What advice does Dr. Moore give to students regarding the use of AI writers for assignments?

    -Dr. Moore advises students to do their best and remember that their own writing is usually better, implying that they should avoid using AI writers for assignments.



📚 Testing Turnitin's AI Detection Tool

Dr. Moore from the University of Texas at Dallas conducts an experiment to test Turnitin's new AI detection tool. He simulates a student's scenario by using an essay assignment prompt to write a memo comparing AI writers. Dr. Moore utilizes Chat GPT to generate the memo, which he then uploads to Turnitin. The tool gives a similarity score of 45%, indicating a match with previously uploaded documents. However, it does not flag the content as problematic. Upon further inspection, Turnitin's AI detection feature identifies the memo as 100% AI-written, prompting a 'caution' message suggesting review for potential academic misconduct.




Turnitin is an online plagiarism detection service used by educators to check students' work for similarity against other documents on the internet and in their database. In the video, Turnitin's new AI detection tool is discussed, which is designed to identify content generated by AI writers, marking a significant advancement in academic integrity tools.

💡AI Detection Tool

The AI Detection Tool refers to a feature within Turnitin that is capable of identifying content written by artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, Dr. Moore demonstrates how this tool can detect a memo written by an AI writer, which is a crucial development for educators to ensure academic honesty.


A memo, short for memorandum, is a document typically used in a business or academic setting to convey information or compare different subjects concisely. In the video, Dr. Moore assigns a task to write a memo comparing AI writers, which is then used to test Turnitin's AI Detection Tool.

💡AI Writers

AI Writers are software programs or algorithms capable of generating human-like text. They have become a topic of concern in academia due to their potential to be used for cheating. The video discusses the ability of Turnitin's AI Detection Tool to identify content produced by such writers, highlighting the ongoing challenges in educational integrity.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model that can generate text based on prompts. In the video, Dr. Moore uses Chat GPT to create a memo, which is then uploaded to Turnitin to test the AI Detection Tool's capabilities. This demonstrates the practical application of AI in content creation and the need for detection tools.

💡Similarity Score

The similarity score in Turnitin is a percentage that indicates how much of a document matches content from other sources. In the video, the memo generated by Chat GPT receives a 45% similarity score, which is a traditional match but does not flag the content as AI-generated until further review.

💡Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct encompasses any actions that violate academic integrity, such as plagiarism or cheating. The video emphasizes that using AI writers to complete assignments, as detected by Turnitin, can be considered academic misconduct and may lead to serious consequences for students.


Rubrics are tools used by educators to assess students' work based on predefined criteria. Dr. Moore suggests that the advent of AI Detection Tools might necessitate changes in rubrics to adapt to the new challenges posed by AI-generated content in academia.


Cheating in an academic context refers to dishonest practices to gain an unfair advantage, such as using AI writers to complete assignments. The video warns students that using unauthorized means like Chat GPT to complete assignments can be detected and may be penalized as cheating.

💡Business Writing

Business writing is a form of professional communication that requires clarity, conciseness, and a formal tone. In the video, Dr. Moore critiques the AI-generated memo for lacking qualities typical of good business writing, such as a conclusion, suggesting that human writing often surpasses AI in quality and context.


Dr. Moore demonstrates Turnitin's new AI detection tool.

The tool is designed to detect AI-generated content.

A memo comparing AI writers was created using Chat GPT.

The memo was uploaded to Turnitin for analysis.

Turnitin's similarity score for the memo was 45%.

The 45% score represents a traditional match with previously uploaded documents.

Turnitin did not flag the memo as problematic initially.

Turnitin's grader option revealed sources were correctly cited.

A new feature flags AI-generated content with a caution message.

The caution message indicates a review is required for AI percentage.

The AI-generated essay was correctly flagged as 100% AI-written.

Sources in the AI-generated content were not flagged by Turnitin.

Faculty are encouraged to adapt rubrics and assignments to counter AI writing.

Students are warned that using AI to complete assignments is considered cheating.

Dr. Moore suggests that student writing is generally better than AI-generated content.

The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of original student writing.

Turnitin's new AI detection tool is effective in catching AI-generated content.