Build a Perplexity Clone in 8min with AI

Mckay Wrigley
4 Sept 202408:56

TLDRIn this video, the creator demonstrates how to build a Perplexity clone in just 8 minutes using AI. Perplexity is an AI search engine that provides real-time sources and AI-generated answers. The tutorial uses the XA search engine API for sourcing information and OpenAI's API for generating responses. The project is set up with Next.js and utilizes Cursor, an AI coding assistant, to streamline the development process. The video concludes with a functional clone that fetches live web sources and displays an AI-generated summary, all achieved in under 10 minutes.


  • 😀 The video demonstrates building a clone of Perplexity, an AI search engine, using AI tools.
  • ⏱️ The goal is to replicate Perplexity's features within 8 minutes using cursor, a code-writing AI.
  • 🔍 The video uses XA, a search engine for AI, and its API for handling search functionality.
  • 🤖 OpenAI's API is utilized to generate AI-driven responses to queries.
  • 🛠️ The tutorial starts by setting up a new Next.js app with the Shad CN CLI.
  • 📦 Essential packages like `x.js` for XA and OpenAI's SDK are installed to interact with the APIs.
  • 💻 The backend is developed first, focusing on creating server actions for both XA and OpenAI.
  • 🔗 The user interface includes a search input that triggers the XA search action and logs the results.
  • 🔎 The script guides through fixing type issues and ensuring the correct data structure is used for the AI to process.
  • 📊 The final product displays real-time web sources horizontally and provides an AI-generated summary below.
  • 🏁 The clone is successfully built in 7 minutes and 6 seconds, showcasing the efficiency of AI-assisted development.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the video?

    -The main goal of the video is to demonstrate how to build a clone of Perplexity, an AI search engine, using AI tools within a short time frame of 8 minutes.

  • What is Perplexity and how does it function?

    -Perplexity is described as an AI tool that acts as an AI search engine. It provides real-time sources from the web and AI-generated answers to user queries.

  • Which services are used in the video to replicate Perplexity's features?

    -The video uses two services: 'xa', which is a search engine for AI, and the 'OpenAI API' for generating AI responses.

  • What does the video demonstrate about the Next.js app setup?

    -The video shows a new Next.js app set up using the Shad CN CLI, with common prompts already included to facilitate rapid development.

  • What is the role of the 'xa' package in the project?

    -The 'xa' package is used to interact with the 'xa' search engine's API, handling the search functionality within the Perplexity clone.

  • Why is the OpenAI API used in the video?

    -The OpenAI API is used to generate AI responses to queries, similar to how Perplexity provides AI-generated answers.

  • What does the video show about the process of setting up server actions?

    -The video demonstrates the process of setting up server actions using Cursor's composer to handle the 'xa' and OpenAI API integrations.

  • How does the video address the issue of handling search results?

    -The video shows how to handle search results by logging them and then using the top five most relevant sources to request a summary from the OpenAI API.

  • What is the significance of the 'cursor chat' feature mentioned in the video?

    -The 'cursor chat' feature is significant as it allows for real-time debugging and error fixing within the development environment, streamlining the coding process.

  • What is the final outcome of the video in terms of the project's completion time?

    -The video concludes with the successful creation of a basic Perplexity clone in 7 minutes and 6 seconds, showcasing the efficiency of using AI tools for development.

  • How does the video encourage viewers to engage with the content?

    -The video encourages viewers to engage by inviting them to attempt a speedrunning challenge, sharing their own build times or clips of what they have created.



🚀 Building a Perplexity Clone with AI Tools

The video begins with the host's intention to create a clone of Perplexity, an AI search engine, using a service called XA and the OpenAI API. The host demonstrates setting up a new Next.js app with the Shad CN CLI and prepares by pasting common prompts. The focus is on building the backend first, installing necessary packages like 'x.JS' for XA and another for the OpenAI API. The host then proceeds to use Cursor, an AI coding assistant, to automate the creation of server actions for both APIs. The goal is to replicate Perplexity's functionality of providing real-time web sources and AI-generated answers to queries.


🔍 Integrating Search and AI Summary in the UI

In the second paragraph, the host continues the development by focusing on the frontend. They instruct Cursor to create a user interface with a search input and a button that triggers the XA search action. The aim is to log the search results and ensure the API is correctly integrated. The host then moves to display the search results and the AI-generated summary from OpenAI in the UI. They face a few technical issues but resolve them using Cursor's AI assistance. The host emphasizes the importance of a clean and user-friendly UI, including displaying sources horizontally and linking them to their original pages. The video concludes with a successful demonstration of the clone's functionality, including live web sources and an AI-generated summary, all achieved in a remarkably short time of 7 minutes and 6 seconds.




Perplexity, in the context of the video, refers to an AI tool that acts as an AI search engine. It is capable of providing real-time sources from the web and AI-generated answers to queries, as demonstrated by the example 'when is GPT 5 coming out'. The video aims to replicate these features, indicating that 'Perplexity' is a central concept for understanding the video's theme of AI-driven search capabilities.


Cursor is mentioned as a tool used to perform a speedrun of building a Perplexity clone. It is implied to be a development environment or framework that allows for rapid application development, as the video showcases the process of setting up a new project and integrating various APIs within a short timeframe.


XA is introduced as a service that provides a search engine for AI. In the video, it is used to handle the search functionality needed for the Perplexity clone. The script mentions using XA's API to fetch real-time data, which is a key component in replicating the search capabilities of Perplexity.


The OpenAI API is referenced for generating AI responses. It is used in conjunction with the XA service to not only search the web but also to produce AI-generated summaries of the search results. This demonstrates the integration of multiple AI services to create a comprehensive tool, as seen in the video's development process.


NextJS is mentioned as the framework for the new application being developed in the video. It is a popular React framework that enables functionality like server-side rendering and generating static websites. The video starts with a 'brand new NextJS app', indicating that NextJS is the foundational technology for building the Perplexity clone.


API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications. In the video, APIs from XA and OpenAI are used to enable the app's functionality, such as searching the web and generating AI responses. The script discusses installing packages and using these APIs to handle the 'search stuff' and 'AI generated answer'.

💡Server Action

Server actions in the context of the video refer to functions that are executed on the server-side, rather than the client-side. The video script describes creating a server action for handling the search functionality provided by the XA service, which is a key aspect of the backend development for the Perplexity clone.


Composer is referenced as a tool for automating parts of the development process. In the script, it is used to handle the creation of server actions and to integrate the necessary code snippets. It seems to be a feature of the Cursor environment that assists in the rapid development of the application.


TypeScript is a programming language that builds on JavaScript by adding static types. In the video, there is a mention of using 'any' as a type, which is a workaround in TypeScript to avoid type errors. This indicates that the development process is happening in a TypeScript environment, and the script is dealing with type-related issues.


UI, or User Interface, refers to the visual elements and interactions through which users interact with a software application. The video script discusses creating a UI that displays search results and an AI-generated summary. It mentions the UI elements like a search bar and results displayed horizontally, which are crucial for the user experience of the Perplexity clone.


Building a Perplexity clone using AI tools within 8 minutes.

Introduction to Perplexity as an AI search engine.

Utilizing XA, a search engine for AI, to replicate Perplexity's features.

Integration of the OpenAI API for AI-generated answers.

Setting up a new Next.js app using the Shad CN CLI.

Installation of necessary packages for XA and OpenAI APIs.

Creating server actions for handling API requests.

Implementing a user interface for search input and results display.

Using Cursor to automate and speed up the coding process.

Handling real-time search results from the web.

Generating an AI summary from the top five search results.

Debugging and fixing type issues in the code.

Displaying search results and AI-generated answers in a user-friendly UI.

Achieving the goal of building a Perplexity clone in under 10 minutes.

Final demonstration of the working Perplexity clone with live web sources and AI-generated summaries.

Encouraging viewers to try their own speedrunning challenge with the provided tools.