Bite Sized PD: Copyleaks - Plagiarism Checker w/AI Detection

14 Sept 202320:00

TLDRThis bite-sized PD session introduces Copyleaks, a plagiarism detection tool with AI capabilities now integrated into Canvas. It's designed to identify not only traditional plagiarism but also AI-generated content like that from ChatGPT and Bard. The session walks educators through enabling Copyleaks for assignments, adjusting scan settings, and interpreting similarity reports. It also explores Copyleaks as a teaching tool, emphasizing the importance of academic integrity and proper citation techniques, aiming to foster a culture of responsibility and originality among students.


  • 😀 Copyleaks is a plagiarism detection software integrated into Canvas, designed to detect AI-generated content and plagiarism.
  • 🔍 The tool is user-friendly and similar to other plagiarism checkers like Turnitin, making it accessible for both experienced and new users.
  • 💡 It's recommended for educators to familiarize themselves with AI programs like ChatGPT and Bard to better understand the tone and writing style of AI-generated content.
  • 📝 Copyleaks can detect various forms of paraphrasing, image-based text plagiarism, and hidden text tricks used to deceive detection software.
  • 👩‍💻 Educators can use Copyleaks to support their writing tasks, such as creating rubrics or letters of recommendation, while maintaining their own voice and style.
  • 📑 When setting up assignments in Canvas, educators need to select either text entry or file uploads, as Copyleaks does not support Google LTI or external tool options.
  • 🛠️ Scan settings in Copyleaks allow for customization, including the detection of AI-generated content, cross-language detection, and the exclusion of template text.
  • 📊 The similarity report provides a detailed analysis of plagiarism, including identical matches, paraphrasing, and alerts for AI-generated content.
  • 👨‍🎓 Students can be given access to their similarity reports, which can be used as a teaching opportunity to discuss academic integrity and proper citation practices.
  • 🏫 The ultimate goal of using Copyleaks is to promote academic integrity, educate students on proper research and writing habits, and foster a culture of responsibility for their own work.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of this bite-sized PD session?

    -The main topic of this bite-sized PD session is introducing Copyleaks, a plagiarism checker with AI detection capabilities, now available in Canvas.

  • What is the purpose of Copyleaks in an educational setting?

    -Copyleaks is used to scan student submissions for plagiarism, including content generated by AI programs like Chat GPT and Bard, to ensure academic integrity.

  • How does Copyleaks detect AI-generated content?

    -The specific method is not detailed in the script, but it is suggested that Copyleaks uses algorithms to identify patterns typical of AI-generated text, which often lacks a human tone and proper citation practices.

  • What are some features of Copyleaks that the presenter finds exciting?

    -The presenter is excited about features like the ability to detect AI-generated content, exclude content from a template to avoid false positives, and the cheat detection feature that looks for hidden characters in white ink.

  • How can educators enable Copyleaks for an assignment in Canvas?

    -Educators can enable Copyleaks by creating an assignment, selecting the plagiarism option, choosing Copyleaks, and then editing the scan settings to customize the detection parameters.

  • What options does Copyleaks provide for filtering scan results?

    -Copyleaks allows educators to filter scan results by including or excluding AI-generated content, cross-language detection, online sources, and internal resources.

  • How can students access their similarity reports in Canvas?

    -Students can access their similarity reports by clicking into the assignment details and viewing the submission details, where they will find the similarity score preview icon.

  • What is the significance of the color coding in the similarity reports?

    -The color coding in the similarity reports indicates the level of plagiarism detected, with red signifying high levels of plagiarism, blue indicating acceptable levels, and green also suggesting original content.

  • Why is it important for educators to teach students about plagiarism and academic integrity?

    -Educators should teach students about plagiarism and academic integrity to promote good research and writing habits, ensure original work, and foster a sense of responsibility for their own work.

  • How can Copyleaks be used as a teaching opportunity rather than just a detection tool?

    -Copyleaks can be used as a teaching opportunity by opening dialogues with students about the sources of their information, teaching proper citation methods, and discussing how to avoid plagiarism.



🔎 Introduction to CopyLeaks Plagiarism Checker

The speaker introduces the topic of the video, which is about CopyLeaks, a new plagiarism detection tool integrated with AI capabilities now available in Canvas. The learning objectives for the session are to understand how to use CopyLeaks to detect plagiarism, including AI-generated content, in student submissions. The speaker outlines the agenda, which includes explaining what CopyLeaks is, how to enable it, adjust scan settings, access similarity reports, and use it as a teaching opportunity. The speaker also discusses the importance of recognizing AI-generated content and the lack of personal voice in such texts, suggesting that educators try out AI programs like ChatGPT and Bard to understand their output better.


📝 Enabling CopyLeaks in Canvas Assignments

The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to enable CopyLeaks for an assignment in Canvas. This includes creating an assignment, selecting the appropriate submission type, and choosing the plagiarism option where CopyLeaks is the only available choice. The speaker then explains how to access and edit scan settings, which allows educators to customize the detection process, such as including AI-generated content detection and cross-language detection. The speaker also highlights the ability to exclude template content from the plagiarism scan, ensuring that students are not penalized for using provided templates.


📊 Understanding Similarity Reports in CopyLeaks

The speaker discusses how to access and interpret similarity reports generated by CopyLeaks after students have submitted their work. The reports provide a color-coded overview of potential plagiarism, with different colors indicating the severity of issues. The speaker explains how to view and utilize the similarity score preview in the Speed Grader and how to navigate the interactive report to identify types of plagiarism, such as identical text, minor changes, and paraphrasing. The speaker also addresses how to handle AI-generated content alerts and the importance of using these findings as a conversation starter with students rather than an automatic accusation of cheating.


🛠 Using CopyLeaks as a Teaching Opportunity

The speaker emphasizes the importance of using CopyLeaks not just as a plagiarism detection tool but also as a means to educate students about academic integrity. The speaker suggests explaining the purpose of using a plagiarism checker, educating students on proper citation and paraphrasing techniques, and setting clear expectations for original work. The speaker also recommends allowing students to access their similarity reports to promote transparency and learning. The goal is to foster a culture of academic integrity and help students develop their research and writing skills responsibly.




Copyleaks is a plagiarism detection software mentioned in the video. It is integrated with AI detection capabilities to identify content that may be plagiarized or generated by AI programs such as ChatGPT and Bard. The video discusses how educators can use Copyleaks within the Canvas learning management system to scan student submissions for originality. Its purpose is not only to catch plagiarism but also to promote good research and writing habits among students.

💡Plagiarism Checker

A plagiarism checker is a tool used to detect instances of copying or reusing content without proper attribution. In the context of the video, the Copyleaks software serves as a plagiarism checker, helping educators ensure academic integrity by identifying potential cases of plagiarism in student work. The video explains how to enable and use this feature within the Canvas platform.

💡AI Detection

AI Detection refers to the ability of Copyleaks to identify content that may have been generated by artificial intelligence, such as text from AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Bard. The video script highlights the importance of this feature as it helps educators to detect not only traditional plagiarism but also the use of AI-generated content in student submissions.


Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) used by educational institutions for online teaching and learning. The video provides a tutorial on how to integrate Copyleaks with Canvas, allowing educators to scan for plagiarism within student assignments submitted through this platform.

💡Scan Settings

Scan settings in Copyleaks refer to the configurations that educators can adjust to customize the plagiarism detection process. The video script describes how to access and modify these settings, such as including or excluding certain types of content, detecting AI-generated content, and setting the sensitivity level for detecting paraphrasing.

💡Similarity Report

A similarity report is a detailed analysis provided by the plagiarism checker that shows the extent to which a document matches content from various sources. The video explains how educators can view and interpret these reports in Copyleaks to identify areas of potential plagiarism in student submissions.

💡Academic Integrity

Academic integrity refers to the commitment to honest and ethical practices in academic work, which includes proper citation and avoidance of plagiarism. The video emphasizes the importance of teaching academic integrity to students and using tools like Copyleaks not just to detect plagiarism but also to educate students about the value of original work.


Citation is the act of acknowledging the source of information used in one's work. The video script discusses the importance of teaching students how to properly cite different types of sources to avoid plagiarism and to give credit where it is due.


Paraphrasing is the act of rewording or rephrasing a text or idea while maintaining its original meaning. The video explains that Copyleaks can detect instances of paraphrasing and that educators should consider whether minor changes or the use of synonyms constitute plagiarism, and how to educate students on proper paraphrasing techniques.

💡Hidden Characters

Hidden characters refer to a tactic some students may use to deceive plagiarism detection software by including text in white ink or using special characters. The video mentions that Copyleaks has a cheat detection feature that can identify hidden characters, which is an advanced method to ensure academic integrity.

💡Teaching Opportunity

The video script positions the use of Copyleaks as a teaching opportunity, suggesting that educators can leverage the tool to initiate discussions about plagiarism, academic integrity, and proper citation practices. It encourages educators to use the detection of potential plagiarism as a moment to educate rather than merely punish.


Introduction to Copyleaks, a plagiarism checker with AI detection integrated into Canvas.

Learning intentions include understanding Copyleaks for scanning student submissions and detecting AI-generated content.

Success criteria involve enabling Copyleaks, adjusting scan settings, accessing reports, and using it as a teaching opportunity.

Agenda overview covering Copyleaks features, similarity report discussion, and its use as a teaching tool.

Copyleaks defined as plagiarism detection software with capabilities similar to Turnitin and Unicheck.

AI detection feature that identifies content generated by AI programs like Chat GPT and Bard.

Practical advice for educators to familiarize themselves with AI programs to better understand AI-generated content.

Discussion on the characteristics of AI-generated text, such as lack of personal voice and poor citation practices.

Copyleaks' ability to detect various forms of paraphrasing and image-based text plagiarism.

Innovative feature to expose attempts to deceive detection software, such as hidden white text.

Process for enabling Copyleaks on an assignment in Canvas, including setting up submission types and plagiarism options.

Scan settings customization, including filter options for AI-generated content and cross-language detection.

How to exclude template content from plagiarism detection to avoid false positives.

Demonstration of the process to enable Copyleaks and adjust scan settings within Canvas.

Accessing and interpreting the similarity report, including color-coded alerts for plagiarism levels.

Options for students to view and access their similarity reports, promoting transparency and learning.

Strategies for using Copyleaks as a teaching opportunity, focusing on academic integrity and research skills.

Recommendations for educators to explain the purpose of plagiarism checks and promote good research and writing habits.

Emphasis on the goal of educating students on academic integrity rather than just catching plagiarism.