$1400 PER DAY Using Google News! (FREE) (Make Money Online 2023)

11 Apr 202311:59

TLDRDiscover how to earn up to $1400 daily using Google News without selling, prior experience, or affiliate marketing. The video reveals a simple method involving copying text, utilizing spinbot.com for content spinning, and submitting to sites like eatingwell.com and popular science for high word-rate payments. Also, explore an AI tool for generating articles from scratch, potentially revolutionizing your online income.


  • 😀 The video promises a method to earn up to $1400 per day online without selling, prior experience, or using affiliate marketing.
  • 🔍 It instructs viewers to use Google News to find articles, suggesting that these can be repurposed for profit.
  • ✂️ The script explains how to use 'Spinbot' to rewrite articles to avoid plagiarism and create unique content.
  • 💼 It reveals that rewritten articles can be sold to websites like eatingwell.com and Popular Science for $1 per word.
  • 📈 The video also mentions a website, aarp.org, that pays up to $2 per word for articles on various topics.
  • 💡 The presenter shares a strategy to maximize earnings by submitting articles to multiple websites.
  • 📝 A template for submitting articles professionally is provided, emphasizing the importance of a good pitch.
  • 🚀 The video introduces an AI article writer tool that can generate articles from scratch quickly and for free.
  • 🌟 The tool is highlighted for its ability to produce SEO-friendly, high-quality articles with minimal user input.
  • 💰 The overall message is that with minimal effort and by leveraging free tools and platforms, one can potentially earn a significant income online.

Q & A

  • What is the potential daily earning mentioned in the title of the video?

    -The title suggests the potential to earn up to $1400 per day.

  • What is the main method described for making money online in the video?

    -The main method described is copying and pasting text from Google News articles, rewriting them using Spinbot to avoid plagiarism, and then selling the rewritten articles to websites that pay per word.

  • How does Spinbot help in the process described in the video?

    -Spinbot is a tool that rewrites copied articles into new content with the same topic but in different words, which helps to avoid plagiarism and create unique articles that can be sold.

  • What are the three websites mentioned in the video that pay for articles?

    -The three websites mentioned are eatingwell.com, popular science, and aarp.org, each paying per word for unique articles.

  • What is the minimum payment per word offered by the websites mentioned?

    -The minimum payment per word offered by the websites is $1, with one website offering up to $2 per word.

  • How does the video suggest ensuring the articles are unique before selling them?

    -The video suggests using Spinbot to rewrite the articles, ensuring they are in the writer's own words and are unique, thus avoiding copyright issues.

  • What is the role of Google News in the process outlined in the video?

    -Google News is used as a source to find articles on various topics, which are then copied and rewritten to create unique content for selling.

  • How does the video propose to handle articles that are not accepted by the websites?

    -The video suggests that not every article will be accepted, but since the process is free and can be done repeatedly, one can continue to submit articles until they are accepted.

  • What is the additional tool mentioned in the video for creating articles from scratch?

    -The additional tool mentioned is an AI article writer tool that can generate a complete article based on a title or keywords, making the process quicker and easier.

  • What is the process for submitting an article to the websites as described in the video?

    -The process involves copying the rewritten article, saving it, and then sending it to the websites' provided email addresses with a subject line 'Content submission'. If the article is accepted, the website will contact for payment details.



💰 Making Money Online: A Step-by-Step Guide

This paragraph introduces a method for making money online by leveraging Google News and spinbot.com. The speaker promises to share a simple process to earn up to $1,400 daily without selling, prior experience, or affiliate marketing. The process involves copying text, using spinbot to rewrite articles to avoid plagiarism, and submitting these unique articles to websites like eatingwell.com for payment. The speaker also hints at revealing additional websites and a tool to streamline the content creation process.


📝 Submitting Articles for Profit: The Process Explained

In this paragraph, the speaker elaborates on how to get paid for articles by submitting them to specific websites. The process includes finding an article on Google News, rewriting it using spinbot to ensure uniqueness, and then pitching it to websites that pay per word. The speaker provides a template for submitting articles and mentions additional websites like Popular Science and aarp.org, which offer higher pay rates. The paragraph also introduces an AI article writer tool that can generate articles from scratch, potentially increasing earnings by saving time on research and writing.


🚀 Maximizing Earnings with AI and Multiple Submissions

The final paragraph summarizes the entire process of making money online by submitting articles. It emphasizes the ease of using Google News for article ideas, spinbot for content rewriting, and the AI article writer tool for quick content generation. The speaker encourages viewers to start making money immediately by following the steps outlined in the video and subscribing to the channel for more money-making tips. The paragraph also highlights the potential to earn significant amounts by submitting articles to multiple websites and using the AI tool to streamline the process.



💡Google News

Google News is an online news aggregator service that compiles news articles from various sources. In the context of the video, it serves as a primary source for finding articles to repurpose for making money online. The video suggests using Google News to find trending topics in categories like health, technology, and more, which can then be rewritten and sold to other websites for profit.

💡Copy and Paste

The phrase 'copy and paste' in the video refers to the process of taking existing content from one source and reusing it in another. The video suggests copying articles from Google News and then using a tool to rewrite them, which is a method to create new content without the need for original writing. This technique is part of the strategy to generate income online without creating content from scratch.


Spinbot is a content spinning tool mentioned in the video that rewrites existing articles into new content by changing the wording and structure. This is important for avoiding plagiarism and copyright issues when reusing content found on Google News. By using Spinbot, the video's audience can create unique articles that can be sold to websites for money.


Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them credit and presenting it as one's own. The video emphasizes the importance of avoiding plagiarism by using tools like Spinbot to rewrite articles found on Google News. This ensures that the content is unique and not directly copied from the original source.


EatingWell.com is one of the websites mentioned in the video that pays for articles. The video suggests that this site pays one dollar per word for articles submitted, making it a potential source of income for those following the video's advice on creating and selling content.

💡Popular Science

Popular Science is another website mentioned in the video as a platform that accepts article submissions and pays for content. The video indicates that this site has a faster submission process and pays well for technology-related articles, which aligns with the strategy of finding and rewriting articles from Google News.


AARP.org is highlighted in the video as a website that pays up to two dollars per word for articles, which is more than some of the other websites mentioned. The video suggests that this site accepts a wide range of topics, providing an opportunity for content creators to earn more money by submitting articles on various subjects.

💡Content Submission

Content submission in the video refers to the process of sending an article to a website for consideration and potential payment. The video provides a template for sending an email to websites with the subject line 'content submission' and includes a pitch for the article. This is part of the strategy for earning money by selling rewritten articles.

💡SEO friendly

SEO friendly content is writing that is optimized for search engines, making it more likely to rank higher in search results. The video mentions using an AI tool to create SEO friendly articles, which can increase the visibility of the content and potentially lead to more income from the articles sold to websites.

💡AI Article Writer Tool

The AI Article Writer Tool mentioned in the video is a software that generates articles from scratch based on a given topic. This tool is presented as a time-saving alternative to finding and rewriting articles from Google News. It automates the process of creating content, which can be particularly useful for those looking to produce a large volume of articles for submission to websites.


Learn how to earn up to $1400 per day online without selling or prior experience.

Discover a method to make money by simply copying and pasting text.

Reveal two additional websites to double earnings.

Introduce a tool that simplifies the process to under five minutes.

Navigate to Google News for a source of articles.

Select news categories like business, technology, or health for content.

Copy articles from Google News to create unique content.

Use Spinbot to rewrite articles and avoid plagiarism.

Submit unique articles to websites like eatingwell.com for $1 per word.

Explore earning potential from multiple websites with varying pay rates.

Learn how to get paid for articles through email submission.

Understand the process of article acceptance and payment details.

Use Google News for a constant supply of new articles to write about.

Pitch articles to websites like Popular Science and aarp.org for higher earnings.

Introduce an AI tool for writing articles from scratch in minutes.

Summarize the process of finding, rewriting, and selling articles online.

Encourage viewers to start making money online using the described method.